Latest Huawei HCNA-UC H11-811 actual questions H11-811-ENU exam guides
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Share some HCNA-UC H11-811-ENU exam questions and answers below. The following about automated Attendant service, which is correct? A. Configuring Auto Attendant can only use the script that the system comes with B. Automated Attendant script can be edited C. the greetings that are access to the meeting can not be customized D. a voice channel is capable of storing a plurality of voice Answer: B
About analog phones, which of the following statement is wrong? A. the telephone line that connects the analog telephone includes Tip and Ring lines B. analog telephone subscriber line signaling includes monitoring signaling and address signaling C. the common used dialing singal includes DTMF and pulse DC D. the monitoring signal on analog telephone subscriber line is common channel signaling Answer: D
Which of the following does not belong to the SIP protocol characteristics? A. responsible to establish, release the session B. IP-based network C. Text-based protocol D. transport layer protocol Answer: D
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